Monday, May 24, 2010

Has anyone used polygraphy techniques to obtain better health information from patients?

Has anyone used polygraph (e.g. lie detector, biofeedback indicator, galvanic skin response, etc,) techniques to obtain health information from patients?

The premise is that health care practitioners (e.g. doctors) must rely on accurate and complete verbal information from the patient to make a good diagnosis and treatment plan. Sometimes, this information is missing from the patient, either on purpose or inadvertently  (e.g. forgetting, holding back hunches of what they think is going on, etc.)

It seems to me that "polygraphy" might be a good start at viewing the "inside workings" of an individual to find out "what's really going on".

This might be most useful for those patients who don't seem to improve, are difficult to diagnose, or for which there is no hope for recovery - and the patients or family are willing to try anything for a chance to get better.
I am working on this topic, as part of my blog  and I would like to know your thoughts on this.  I have a working model and continue to improve it as time goes on.  First working model is at
  • Is anyone else doing similar research, or would like to?
  • Would you like to know more of my own research and experimentation?
  • Would you like me to show you how to make and use your own apparatus, using off-the-shelf components?
  • Could my work be a springboard for you in your own research project or maybe even science fair project?
  • Are you interested in me showing, training, teaching my work in person or via video conference?
  • As a healthcare professional, would you like me to show you my work?
  • How else can I help you?
Thanks!  Keep in touch, if you want.