Friday, December 14, 2018

"Emotion Sensing Technlogy" Improves Diagnosis and Treatment - Looking at the Big Picture

Healthcare is beginning to use Emotion (Stress) Sensing Devices to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment.

This makes sense since: 
  • It is well known that Emotional Stress causes and/or aggravates Physical and/or Mental Symptoms.
  • It is also well known that Emotional Stress is directly proportional to Pain.
We now have Emotion Sensing Technology, even some that are Wearable. 

(See References at the very end of this article)

Some examples are below. Some are in actual use and some future. Click links to see full article.
"My research focuses on the relationship between wearable technologies, health diagnosis, human behavior, environment factors and feedback. This includes methods and means of assessment and diagnosis of mental and physical health disorders, coupled with machine learning implemented through wearable technologies. The Emotion Sensing System provides a framework to understand how our emotion state can be sensed and learned across environments. This system was inspired by the work of Rosalind Picard and Rana El Kaliouby and references the emotion sensing wearable, emotion analytics and other API's to create a Digital Emotional + Environmental Profile (de+ep). The goal of my research is to explore the relationship between human behavior and affective computing across environments (home, car, public, etc.). The creation of the digital profile may interact with the emotion sensing system through different lenses/filters...."

"Remote emotions detection is possible as well. One of the devices created at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory emits radio signals that reflect off a person's front and back body. By measuring heartbeat and breathing, the device can accurately detect emotional reactions. Such remote sensing technologies could be used to diagnose or track conditions such as depression and anxiety, as well as for non-invasive health monitoring and diagnosis of heart conditions...."

"It is also time to bring these tools into clinical practice, believes Dr. Erik Viirre, a San Diego neurophysiologist. "While so many medications list suicide risk as a possible side effect I think we have to use biosensors, and there is a big push within psychiatry to bring them in. Thought disorders could be picked up much quicker and used to determine treatment. Viirre has studied headaches extensively and found that contributing factors build up days before they strike, including mood. He argues a multi-sensor approach combining brain scans, genetic tests and emotion sensing could dramatically improve treatment...."
"In this paper, we describe a framework for the development of emotion sensing support systems (ESSS) to be used for assisting human in decision-making process during interview scenarios. Such systems aim to support police officers during questioning and doctors during medical diagnosis. One of thecharacteristics of ESSS is to ensure that in addition to help the specialist to reach the correct conclusion without interfering, it also helps to improve the skills of the specialists who use it...." 

 "IBM's Watson Cognitive AI Platform Evolves, Senses Feelings....more practical applications for Watson, including services that are used by doctors...Watson is already besting the best humans at medical diagnoses and treatment plans that lead to the best outcomes, a feat thought to be decades away if ever by experts just a few short years ago...."

"Emotion sensing robots can tell how you feel....Measures physical responses and will be used to treat autistic children...."
"In this paper, we present a pervasive and unobtrusive system for sensing human emotions, which are inferred based on the recording, processing, and analysis of the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) signal from human bodies. Being different from traditional multimodal emotion sensing systems, our proposed system recognizes human emotions with the single modularity of GSR signal, which is captured by wearable sensing devices. A comprehensive set of features is extracted from GSR signal and fed into supervised classifiers for emotion identification. Our system has been evaluated by specific experiments to investigate the characteristics of human emotions in practice. The high accuracy of emotion classification highlights the great potential of this system in improving humans' mental health in the future.
"Affective Computing and Interaction: Psychological, Cognitive and Neuroscientific Perspectives: Psychological, Cognitive and Neuroscientific Perspectives......Psychological, Cognitive and Neuroscientific Perspectives Gökçay, Didem ... in the body, and automated tools are used in assisting diagnosis and therapy monitoring. ... Emotion–sensing technology has been harnessed for gauging the .."

"It's called Moodies....and if you talk to it for 20 seconds, it will produce an on-the-spot emotional diagnosis..."

"....robot therapists...Wi-Fi to sense emotions with 87 per cent accuracy...May also help monitor and diagnose depression and anxiety..."
Can affective computing fill the empathy gap?
Diagnosis and biofeedback system for stress - ES@MDH
Pain Intensity Recognition Rates via Biopotential Feature Patterns with ...

"Clinically, wearable EDA sensors can be used in psychopathology, dermatology,and neurology for diagnostic purposes and therapy evaluation. Potential clinical applications include screening for cystic fibrosis [14], classification of depressive illnesses [15], prediction of functional outcome in schizophrenia [16], discrimination between healthy and psychotic patients [17], characterization of sympathetic arousal in autism [18], early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy [19] and providing biofeedback in treating chronic hyperhidrosis [20], epileptic [21], and psychogenic nonepilep-tic [22] seizures...."

Cardiogram monitor special for pediatric nursing
Multifunctional nursing bed for cardiovascular department
Brain wave biofeedback diagnosis therapeutic apparatus and system

There's more out there folks! Below is the search string I used...

("emotion sensing" OR "sense emotions") (diagnosis OR diagnose) (medical OR physical OR psychological)

("affective computing") (diagnosis OR diagnose) (medical OR physical OR psychological)

("galvanic skin response" OR "heart rate variability" OR hrv OR gsr OR "skin conductance")(diagnosis OR diagnose) (medical OR physical OR psychological)

(biofeedback) (diagnosis OR diagnose) (medical OR physical OR psychological)

Additional Resources -

Emotional Stress causes and/or aggravates Physical and/or Mental Symptoms -
Commons Signs and Sympotons of Stress | The American Institute of ...
Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress on the Body - WebMD
Emotional Distress Signs - WebMD
11 Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress - Healthline
Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior - Mayo Clinic
6 Surprising Stress Symptoms - Women's Health
Common Signs & Signals of a Stress Reaction
Stress - National Institute of Mental Health - NIH
STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological ...
Stress and your health: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Psychological stress and fibromyalgia: a review of the evidence ...
Relationships between physical symptoms, emotional distress, and ...
Do Your Physical Symptoms Have an Emotional Explanation?
Stress can cause health, productivity issues for Airmen > Andersen Air ...
PTSD and Physical Symptoms | Emotion, Stress & Health
Anxiety and physical illness - Harvard Health
Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms Emotional Symptoms ...
The gut-brain connection - Harvard Health
Stress Symptom Checklist
The Physical Effects of Stress | Ohio University
Coping with Stress | Features | CDC
Why Arthritis Can Stress You Out — and Cause Anxiety – Health ...

Emotional Stress is directly proportional to Pain
The Connections Between Emotional Stress, Trauma and Physical Pain
Pain and your emotions: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Pain and Emotion: A Biopsychosocial Review of Recent Research
Pain and your emotions: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Pain in Times of Stress - NCBI - NIH
Psychological Stress and Cancer - National Cancer Institute
An examination of the relationship between chronic pain and post ...
Back Pain and Emotional Distress - North American Spine Society
Neuroscience of Pain, Stress, and Emotion | ScienceDirect
Why stress may cause abdominal pain, from the Harvard Mental ...
Uncovering the link between emotional stress and heart disease ...
The psychology of low back pain - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard ...
The Emotional Impact of the Pain Experience
psychological and psychiatric factors of chronic pain - Hrčak - Srce
Connection between emotions and physical pain? | Go Ask Alice!
Stress is a pain in the neck — literally! | Go Ask Alice!
Psychological Stress Can Make Pain Worse -
6 Ways You're Making Your Chronic Pain Worse Than It Needs To Be ...
Eliminating Stress Brings Pain Relief - Pain Management Center ...
How Anxiety Can Create Aches and Pains - Calm Clinic
Stress Exacerbates Endometriosis Manifestations and Inflammatory ...
Prior stress could worsen premenstrual symptoms, NIH study finds ...
Psychosocial stress and anxiety in musculoskeletal pain patients with ...
Headaches: Reduce stress to prevent the pain - Mayo Clinic

Emotion Sensing Technology

6 Wearables to Track Your Emotions - A Plan For Living
Emotion-Sensing Technology in the Internet of Things - Onix-Systems
Merging Technology and Emotions: Introduction to Affective Computing.
2 Affordable Biofeedback Devices That Will Help You Focus and Relax
Affective Computing: Technology that Understands Human Emotions
Instant Biofeedback Provided by Wearable Sensor Technology Can ...
New Frontiers in Heart Rate Variability and Social Coherence ...
Future affective technology for autism and emotion communication
Biofeedback in medicine: who, when, why and how? - NCBI - NIH
Computer technology. Clinical applications of biofeedback. - NCBI
What Are You Feeling? Technology for Emotion Sensing and ...
Sensor-less sensing for affective computing and stress management ...
A Survey of Affective Computing for Stress Detection: Evaluating ...
Current Applications of Biofeedback Technology to the ... - jstor
Information technology and health care: A scenario of biofeedback ...
Ten stress busting wearables to help you chill - Gadgets & Wearables
How to measure galvanic skin response with wearables? - Psychology ...
A Wearable Respiratory Biofeedback System Based on Generalized ...
Highly wearable galvanic skin response sensor using flexible and ...
Wearable Sensors for Remote Health Monitoring - NCBI - NIH
Mobile App to Streamline the Development of Wearable Sensor ...
Wearable Computer Systems for Affective Computing - MIT Media Lab ...
Current and Past Projects - MIT Media Lab: Affective Computing Group
Stress Recognition Using Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones
These Wearables Detect Health Issues Before They Happen - MIT ...
A Wearable Sensor for Unobtrusive, Long-Term Assessment of ...
Frontiers | A Critical Review of Consumer Wearables, Mobile ...
MoodWings: a wearable biofeedback device for ... - ACM Digital Library
Development of a wearable HRV telemetry system to be operated by ...
Breeze: Sharing Biofeedback Through Wearable Technologies - arXiv


Much more on this topic with my upcoming books starting in 2019!

Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

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